Feel-Good Yoga Twists to Ease Your Aching Back

If twists are one of your favorite things to do in yoga poses, here are 12 poses to make your back feel sensational. They relieve tightness that causes pain, but they also help to elongate the spine, which means better posture and improved breathing. And the benefits don’t end there – spinal twist poses also…

Skip the Ibuprofen and Do These Yoga Poses For Menstrual Cramp Relief

Got cramps? You’re not alone. Many women suffer from severe menstrual pain (known as dysmenorrhea) with sharp, throbbing, burning, or nauseating cramps in their lower abdomen and back. The cramps may come right before you get your period or during, but thankfully they go away when your period is over. These crippling, can’t-get-through-your-normal-day kind of…