I Eliminated Dairy, Gluten, Sugar, Booze, and Coffee From My Diet, Surprisingly Didn't Kill Anyone

Prior to starting the AaHa Restart Cleanse, I had never eliminated anything from my diet (my diet is rooted in balance and finding nutritious foods that I love to counteract the occasional cheeseburger or slice of pizza). So when my co-workers forced invited me to join them on a week-long cleanse that would eliminate gluten,…

Souping on a Budget: Try the Trend Without the Spend

By now you’ve likely heard about souping and soup cleanses. We love soups, and we love cleanses that don’t leave you hungry, so naturally, we’re into this healthy food trend. Related Stories: I Survived My First Soup Cleanse (and Liked It) So we took a look at what goes into a soup cleanse – and…

5 Reasons Ginger Is a Miracle in Root Form

Ginger is another one of nature’s miracles – it can remedy common (yet painful) ailments, help the body eliminate free radicals, and even aid in muscle recovery from exercise. Ready to start adding some ginger to your diet? Check out these healthy, healing benefits! Aids in digestion. Ever wonder why your mom gave you ginger…

Golden Milk: The Antidepressant, Debloating, Weight-Loss-Boosting Wonder Drink

Ready to simmer down and give your body a boost before bedtime? We’ve got the perfect, healthy nightcap for you, and you may have heard of it: golden milk. Related Stories: Reap the Benefits of Turmeric With These Easy Recipes Used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine, golden milk is a combination of the powerful spice…

Happy Gut, Happy Life: Ways to Get Your Probiotics

After learning about the many benefits of a balanced microbiome, you might be thinking, “Well cool, but how do I actually get probiotics?” Have no fear! We have several options for you – pick what works best for your lifestyle, your tastes, and your gut. Supplements. If you don’t want to eat or drink your…