Feel-Good Yoga Twists to Ease Your Aching Back

If twists are one of your favorite things to do in yoga poses, here are 12 poses to make your back feel sensational. They relieve tightness that causes pain, but they also help to elongate the spine, which means better posture and improved breathing. And the benefits don’t end there – spinal twist poses also…

Scared of Getting Injured in CrossFit? Use This Physical Therapist's Tips

CrossFit is gaining more popularity than ever – it’s a serious challenge. Both men and women are noticing how they can progress quickly – even when they’re starting from square one with no experience. However, there’s no denying that the calisthenics and weightlifting can cause injury if you’re not maintaining proper form or if you’re…

Bye-Bye, Lower Back Pain: Yoga Sequence For Mommies-to-Be

If you’re expecting, prenatal yoga will be your saving grace to keep muscles strong and supple, improve the flexibility and balance you can lose as your belly grows, and as a bonus, it can help you mentally and physically prepare for labor. If you’ve already tried this sequence to open tight hips and hamstrings, here’s…