A 20-Minute Workout to Sculpt and Tone Your Entire Body

You don’t always have to jump around doing cardio to burn major calories. Strength training builds metabolism-boosting muscle and burns even more calories after your workout as your body recovers and repairs itself. This workout from trainer Autumn Calabrese builds on this principal by adding isometric holds to strength-training moves. And it’s challenging but quiet.…

Boost Your Metabolism With This At-Home HIIT Workout

This workout, not including the warmup, is only four moves. Easy peasy, right? Well, each move is a killer and designed to keep your heart rate up while working your entire body. You will do four rounds of the HIIT workout, performing each move for 40 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds before moving to…

7 Minutes to Crop-Top Abs

We love Pilates. We love HIIT (that’s high-intensity interval training). When Blogilates founder Cassey Ho put the two workouts together, she got an ab-centric PIIT workout. And it’s awesome. You do each of the seven moves for 45 seconds, followed by a 15-second break. Do the workout once, or repeat for a total of four…

Get Cut and Lean With This 20-Minute Super Shred

When Summer hits, you want to feel strong, sexy, and sculpted, and our latest 20-minute workout will do just that. Trainer Christine Bullock will lead you through a full-body workout where every move is designed to work multiple body parts at once. It’s efficient and fun! Grab a set of three-pound weights if you have…

2-Minute, 3-Move Wall Workout to Instantly Sculpt Arms and Abs

Even if your goal isn’t to be able to do a handstand, your upper body and core can benefit greatly from practicing two exercises yogis often do to strengthen their muscles in order to hold this advanced pose. Do this quick two-minute workout, and your muscles will be burning – we promise! The Workout: Hold…