Quotes That Honor and Celebrate Your Weight-Loss Journey

It may have taken you months or years to put on those extra pounds, so you can’t expect the weight to just fall off after one salad and a run. Slimming down takes time and all the healthy choices you make every single day bring you one step closer to a fitter, stronger you. Here…

Thinking of Skipping That Workout? This Should Get You Back on Track

We don’t always feel like high-fiving our workouts – sometimes we want to punch them in the face! But we know that once that workout is finished, we’ll feel so proud and amazing afterward. If you’re having second thoughts about heading out for that run or fitness class, this should get you psyched. Related: Ridiculous…

A Friendly Reminder That It's OK to Love Your Body Exactly How It Is

You know how Justin Bieber says, “if you like the way you look so much, then you should go and love yourself”? That’s true as hell, girl! You SHOULD love yourself, regardless of where you are in your fitness journey. Let these motivating (and sometimes really funny) quotes from Instagram remind you that yes, you’re…

How to Motivate Yourself to Run (When You Really, Really Don't Want To)

Finding the motivation to run can be hard. Even when you’re training for a race or event, or have a run on your calendar, dragging yourself out the door feels impossible when you’re just really, truly unmotivated. Related: Use This Workout Move to Help Your Lungs Stop Burning on Runs I get it. Running hurts.…