Earl Grey French Toast with Orange Maple Syrup

A type of black tea that’s flavored with citrusy bergamot oil, Earl Grey is loaded with flavonoids, which are antioxidants that protect the body’s cells from free-radical damage.

The post Earl Grey French Toast with Orange Maple Syrup appeared first on Clean Eating.

Source: Clean Eating

Minty Detoxer

A natural detoxifier never tasted so good. This vegan smoothie is sweet, creamy, and loaded with vitamins and antioxidants. Order Jorge Cruise’s book Tiny and Full to find more vegan smoothie recipes like it.

The post Minty Detoxer appeared first on Clean Eating.

Source: Clean Eating

Chicken Adobo 
with Orange & Wilted Spinach

Initially used as a means of food preservation, today Spanish vinegar-infused adobo marinade is typically used to flavor meats before cooking. This recipe guarantees moist and flavorful chicken breast.

The post Chicken Adobo 
with Orange & Wilted Spinach appeared first on Clean Eating.

Source: Clean Eating

Island Pork & Sweet Potato Toss

Tart green apple and rich caramelized onions compliment sweet and salty orange and soy sauce-infused pork in this tropics-inspired dish. A single serving of this fiber-rich luau meal offers 40% of your daily recommended intake of selenium. The micro-mineral has been shown to promote the repair of DNA cells and the destruction of abnormal cells,…