Here's What a Doctor Has to Say About All That Protein You're Eating

High-protein, low-carb diets are often touted as magic cures for those who want to drop a little (or a lot) of extra weight. The Atkins rave of the early 2000s and the more recent hype around the Paleo lifestyle have driven a high-protein movement that gained momentum with media attention and celebrity endorsements. Though some…

How to Work Out in the Morning and Not Be Ravenous All Day Long

Many of us have been in this scenario: you wake up early for a workout, and you’re not quite hungry, so you have something light or skip breakfast altogether and jump right into your run, cardio, HIIT, or weight training. Then, after your sweat-sesh, you’re absolutely insatiable. All the food in the world couldn’t quench…

Snack Better and Lose Weight With Over 20 Protein-Packed Recipes

Snacking all day can cause an influx of unnecessary calories leading to weight gain, but snacking the right way can actually stop unhealthy cravings and help you reach your weight-loss goals faster. Related Stories:Expert Tips on How to Keep Snacking and Still Lose Weight Try snacks like protein balls, cottage cheese, and hummus to satisfy…