10 Powerful Benefits of Running (Beyond Weight Loss)

Running is an incredible exercise for weight loss and leaning out the body, and we’ve seen so many inspiring weight-loss success stories that involve running. But this whole weight-loss thing can often eclipse the other benefits – mental and physical – which are equally impressive, powerful, and important. Did you know that running is part…

The 1 (Simple but Challenging) Step to Becoming a Runner

It took two years, approximately 400 miles, a half-dozen running shoes, one 5k, one 15K, and four half-marathons (well, three and one-thirteenth half-marathons) before I finally said to myself, “Wow, I’m actually a runner!” Reading that back to myself, I realize how ridiculous it sounds – but that’s the honest to goodness truth. I’ve been…

The Night-Before-Your-Half-Marathon Checklist

Prepping and training for a half-marathon is almost – if not equally – as challenging as actually running those 13.1 miles. People can seriously underestimate the work involved, and details can often go overlooked. Getting everything in order the night before is an excellent way to reduce stress, calm your mind, and ensure your half-marathon…