It's Belly-Shrinking Time! 40-Minute Sprinting and Walking Workout

Crunches not getting you the six-pack you want? You need heart-pumping cardio to burn calories and diminish your overall body fat, but more specifically, you need to do interval training, which is proven to target the fat around your belly. Here’s a simple workout that alternates between pushing yourself to the max with one-minute sprinting…

A 20-Minute, Calorie-Burning Treadmill Workout

If you only have a short window to spare for a workout, try this challenging 20-minute treadmill routine. Beyond switching up the speed every two minutes, you’ll also be changing the incline, which challenges the body to work even harder. Even after this short cardio session, you’ll feel light, energized, and ready to power through…

New to Running? This Interval Workout Is For You

Intervals, intervals, intervals! You keep hearing about how good they are for decreasing belly fat, increasing speed, and breaking through workout plateaus. Yet, you’ve been happily traveling along at a consistent pace – or maybe just afraid to max out your intensity. If you’re ready to tackle intervals but sprinting scares the sports bra off…

"Get a Better Butt" Treadmill Workout

It’s time to combine some booty-toning hills with some calorie-torching cardio to work your backside. Working the incline on the treadmill targets your hamstring and glutes! This calorie-torching workout combines bursts of running with quick hilly walking as you play with speed and incline. It moves so quickly that there is no chance for you…