Here's How to Hit 10,000 Steps a Day, Even If You Work a Desk Job

The following post was originally featured on Eat, Drink, and Be Skinny and was written by Teresa Howes, who is part of POPSUGAR Select Fitness. If you know me at all, you know I’m Fitbit-obsessed. When I began my current public relations job, I quickly watched my steps decline . . . and decline .…

A Walking HIIT Treadmill Workout to Get Your Heart Pumping

The following post was originally featured on Eating Bird Food and written by Brittany Mullins, who is part of POPSUGAR Select Fitness. Lately I’ve cut way back on my workout routine and have just been doing yoga classes (primarily restorative) and a good bit of walking. Most of my walking takes place outside, but Isaac…

Fall Fitness Goal: Turn Your Walking Into Running

Fall is arguably the best time to start running. And I might be a little biased – I fell in love with running on a cool October morning in San Francisco’s picturesque Golden Gate Park while running (and walking!) my first half-marathon. Prior to that moment, I hadn’t been a “runner”; I could barely maintain…