When you’re a devoted healthy eater, it’s hard to go out to eat at a restaurant, period. After all, you can never be completely sure of what’s going into your dish. But when you add a date who you’re hoping to make a good impression on into the mix, things can get awkward. As if dates weren’t nerve-racking enough, now you have to spend part of the evening dodging the dessert menu like the plague. It would be ideal to meet someone in a health-conscious environment, say the gym or Whole Foods, so you at least know that you’re somewhat on the same page with food. But life isn’t a rom-com, and Ashton Kutcher won’t be handing you a bouquet of carrots like in No Strings Attached. You may not care what your date orders, but ugh, please don’t insist that I nosh on the bread basket.
Source: Pop Sugar