This Plant-Based Protein Is Gaining Tons of Popularity – For Good Reason

As fate would have it, it turns out that yellow peas are actually chock-full o’ protein. Because of this, companies are taking the dried peas, milling them into flour, and separating the protein from the starch to create pea protein isolate (quite similar to soy protein isolate). If you’re dairy- or soy-free, this is an…

From Weight Loss to Better Digestion, There's Not Much Golden Milk Can't Do

The latest buzzworthy trend in healthy drinks has to be golden milk. Despite its surge in popularity, Haldi Doodh (translation: turmeric milk) has been used as a medicinal drink in India for centuries. Simple to make, the basic recipe of milk, turmeric, ginger, coconut oil, and pepper has much more going for it than just…