This 1 Bodyweight Move Will Help You Be a Better Runner

Ready to tighten and strengthen your core while building your obliques? The side plank march exercise is great for targeting the sides of the body, which are often weak and underdeveloped – inluding the hard-to-isolate glute med. Runners will love this exercise that helps develop lateral stabilization, i.e. no side-to-side swaying of the pelvis, which…

Would You Rather Exercise Intensely For 1 Minute or Moderately For 45?

If you’re constantly stressed about fitting a workout into your daily schedule, we have good news. A study published by McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, just released a report corroborating what exercise scientists have long hypothesized: shorter, high-intensity workouts are identically as effective as longer endurance workouts. Scientists have speculated that high-intensity interval training…