Smart Swap: Bake With Olive Oil Instead of Butter

If you are a health-conscious cook, subbing olive oil for butter is a no-brainer when prepping savory dishes. So why not make the same smart swap when baking? In a nutrition-stand off, olive oil beats butter hands-down: it’s ultra anti-inflammatory and high in antioxidants, healthy fats, and vitamin E. Plus, olive oil adds a depth…

Papaya Salad

All over Thailand, you’ll 
see cooks in makeshift sidewalk food carts working huge mortars and pestles, pounding together the ingredients for this spicy, refreshing salad. If you don’t have a mortar and pestle, chop and smash the chiles and garlic with the side of a chef’s knife before mixing them with the remaining dressing ingredients.…

Banana Leaf–Wrapped Green Curry Fish

I first had this mildly spicy curry-smeared fish in the northern capital of Chiang Mai steamed in ingeniously folded banana leaf packets that also served as a takeaway container. The banana leaf is 100% natural and compostable and infuses the fish with a subtle herby flavor. Look for banana leaf at Asian and Latino markets…