These 6 Natural Nightcaps Will Send You Off to the Land of Nod

If you’ve been having trouble falling or staying asleep, it may be time to consider a nightcap. Skip the alcohol and try an herbal tea, sleep-specific drink, or even chocolate milk (say what?!). And these suggestions are coming from experience – I’ve had some sleep issues in the past, and I’ve tried these six drinks…

Minty Fresh: The Perfect Spring Activewear Color (and 38 Ways to Wear It)

Is it just us, or is there something enchanting about mint green on workout clothes? Pale aqua, Tiffany blue, seafoam green, spearmint – we’ll take it. In luxe cropped bra tops, fresh sneaks, and ultraflattering leggings, this color is especially perfect for Spring and Summer workouts. Motivate yourself to take on a new fitness challenge…

Gear Up For Your Long Training Runs With These 9 Essentials

If you’re training for a half, full, or ultramarathon, you’ve got a schedule full of long runs on the horizon. Being out on the open road for hours can be intimidating, but if you’re prepared, you’ll feel right at home and more able to focus on your stamina and pace. Gear up for your long…

Rock the Mesh Legging Trend in Yoga, at Spin, and on Your Next Run

Mesh inserts keep you looking hot while feeling cool; you get a flirty, fun twist on your standard leggings, all while getting that breezy ventilation you’re dying for in a sweaty, overheated workout. Whether you’re a yogi, a front-row rider at SoulCycle, or an avid runner, any athlete can rock this trend, on any budget…

Important: Old Navy's Spring Activewear Is Ridiculously Cute (and Affordable!)

Many of us know the woes of modern activewear: as athleisure and workout clothes become more and more en vogue, they also become more and more expensive. And while we still love our high-rise Lululemon leggings (they really do look good), let’s be honest: a wardrobe entirely composed of $100 active pants isn’t the most…

Ultra-High-Waist Pants Are an Active Girl's Best Friend

We’re seriously crushing on high-waisted workout pants – we’ve been reaching for them before every workout lately! Not only do they keep everything nice and tucked in, but they’re figure flattering, slimming, and secure. Tapping it back in SoulCycle? No need to worry about anything hanging out. Going into a deeper bind in yoga? You’re…