New Opinion Says Watch the Wine—and Heartburn Meds

Dr. Jonny Bowden tackles the latest in medical trends, including shifting opinion on the benefits of drinking and over-the-counter heartburn medication. That glass a day of wine for “health”? You may want to rethink it. Q: I’ve always heard that moderate drinking is good for the heart, but I recently read that it might not…

Coconut Oil Is Not A Villain

The American Heart Association’s revised position on coconut oil may be new, but the logic behind it is old. No one argues that coconut oil, like every other saturated fat, raises cholesterol. The question is: Is that such a bad thing? The American Heart Association recently issued a position paper saying that coconut oil is “just…

From Weight Loss to Digestion, All the Reasons You Should Be Eating Flaxseeds

Are you noticing flaxseeds added to just about everything these days? It’s for good reason – they’re insanely healthy – but do you know why? Check out the reasons you should be eating flaxseeds (if you’re not already). Walnuts and fish are excellent sources of omega-3s, but so are flaxseeds. The recommended daily intake (RDI)…