Know the Right Portions of Your Favorite Healthy Foods

Some of the healthiest foods are high in calories, so it’s important to learn the correct serving sizes before you go overboard. Can’t resist extra guacamole? Love to munch on spoonfuls of nut butter? Check out the recommended portions and try to tweak your habits accordingly: Related: What 1 Serving of Fruit Really Looks Like…

This Macro-Counting Formula For Weight Loss Is the Tool We've Been Missing

We recently learned all about the power of counting macronutrients and why it’s so much more efficient (and healthy!) for your body than simply focusing on a calorie count. By focusing on carbohydrates, protein, and fat, you can better optimize your diet for your physical and personal needs, whether you’re boosting your metabolism, cutting fat,…

8 Exciting Oatmeal Flavor Combos – All Under 400 Calories

Move over, cold bowl of cereal! This time of year calls for warming yourself up with a bowl of hot and hearty oatmeal. Full of whole-grain fiber, this breakfast will keep you satisfied all morning, which equals weight loss! Buying plain oats is healthier than buying packets that are already sweetened, and less expensive too,…