Flat-Abs Bodyweight Workout

Think beyond crunches for toning your abs and try this bodyweight workout from our No-Excuses Workout Challenge. These full-body moves will work your abs from multiple angles and tone your middle. Directions: Warm up with five minutes of light cardio, then perform this five-exercise circuit three times. Cool down with three minutes of stretching. Source:…

The New Bond With Cuba Puts Us 1 Step Closer to a Cure For Lung Cancer

Four-hundred-thirty-two Americans die from lung cancer each day, but today, there’s significant hope that this number will sharply decline, thanks to the president’s historic visit to Cuba. To the shock of American researchers, Cuba has had a solution to lung cancer for decades, and it only costs $1 a person. “CimaVax, which is both a…

A Look at What 100 Calories of Easter Candy Looks Like (Hint: Not Much)

Whether the Easter Bunny brings you marshmallow Peeps, Cadbury Creme Eggs, or jelly beans, like Halloween, this holiday surrounds us with delicious, crave-worthy candy. It’s only once a year, so don’t hesitate to indulge, but before you do, check out how many nibbles of your favorite Easter goodies add up to 100 calories. Source: Pop…

If You've Been Waiting to Try Soylent 2.0, Here's Exactly How It Tastes

Think back to a sci-fi prediction of “the future,” in which we fly spaceships to work and eat pills instead of food. Fast forward to 2016, and we have bevy of engineers and tech startup employees subsisting on a milky beverage called Soylent. What is Soylent? If you haven’t heard of it, don’t worry –…