Skip the Ibuprofen and Do These Yoga Poses For Menstrual Cramp Relief

Got cramps? You’re not alone. Many women suffer from severe menstrual pain (known as dysmenorrhea) with sharp, throbbing, burning, or nauseating cramps in their lower abdomen and back. The cramps may come right before you get your period or during, but thankfully they go away when your period is over. These crippling, can’t-get-through-your-normal-day kind of…

10 Minutes of Yoga to Kick Your Ass and Tone Your Abs

Athletic training meets yoga in this 10-minute flow series that focuses on the core – hello, toned abs! LA-based trainer Todd McCullough uses the extreme positions of yoga to build both strength and flexibility. Your arms and legs will work in the series, but your abs will really feel the burn. Kick off your shoes,…

Power Up Your Yoga Routine With This 10-Minute Sequence

Yoga makes for great strength training since it also increases your flexibility. This 10-minute yoga flow series, from YogaWorks, will challenge your sense of balance while working your core and legs. Roll out your mat, press play, and get ready to work out. Namaste.

Source: Pop Sugar