This Kettlebell Workout Will Burn a Ridiculous Amount of Calories

Get ready, because this five-move kettlebell workout will torch tons of calories. The workout, created by KettleWorx director of programming Laura Wilson, features basic kettlebell moves that should be in anyone’s strength-training repertoire. When learning these exercises, it’s important to start with a light weight first – Laura recommends a five- or 10-pound kettlebell. You…

30-Minute Fat-Blasting Workout – Just in Time For the Holiday

Our new Class FitSugar, created by Becky Jennings, founder of the Balance Method, is a killer 30-minute fat scorcher – and we mean that in the best way possible. It’s a full-body workout to help you through the holidays – and beyond – by revving your metabolism and boosting your spirits. Grab a set of…

These Banana and Spinach Smoothie Muffins Are a Healthy Way to Mix Up Your Routine

While making another one of my favorite smoothies, seeing a bunch of ripe bananas in the kitchen gave me the urge to bake some banana bread. Then a light went off – why not combine a smoothie recipe with banana bread to make banana smoothie muffins? Made with pureed banana, spinach, and strawberries, these muffins…