To Zoodles and Beyond: 20 Spiralizer Recipes That Do Not Disappoint

There’s nothing the food-loving blogosphere loves quite as much as zoodles, aka noodles made from spiralized zucchini. Touted as a healthy alternative to traditional pastas, zucchini noodles have a similarly remarkable ability to absorb flavors and add texture. Except this version is remarkably lower in calories. But while we’re all for the healthy alternative that zoodles provide,…

Kettle Corn Two Ways: 
Chile Lime & Maple Cinnamon

Can’t decide whether to make sweet or savory popcorn? With this recipe, you can make both: a spicy, zesty variety for 
those who crave savory, plus 
a maple version with warming spices for those with a 
sweet tooth. The post Kettle Corn Two Ways: 
Chile Lime & Maple Cinnamon appeared first on Clean Eating. Source:…