Build Muscle and Boost Your Metabolism With This Weighted Workout

Add some weights to your workout to build more metabolism-boosting muscle. This circuit workout will help you get sleek and strong. Directions: Warm up with three minutes of light cardio, then perform each three-exercise circuit twice. Use five- to 10-pound weights. Cool down with three minutes of stretching. Related Stories:At-Home Workout Mixing Cardio With Strength…

A Flat-Belly and Tight-Booty Workout Celebs Love

Tighten your abs and booty with an emphasis on the beat. There’s no reason strength training can’t feel like a dance party. This 20-minute workout from celebrity trainer JJ Dancer will get you moving and tone muscles you never even knew you had! Grab two hand towels, or paper plates if you’re working out on…

A 5-Minute Workout That Targets Every Inch of Your Body

It’s time for another quick yet intense workout. It’s may only be three moves, but you’ll feel your arms, abs, core, and lower body burning. After five minutes, your heart rate will be high and so will your energy! Directions: Set a timer for five minutes and do as many sets as you can, cycling…