Double Down With This Legs and Abs Bodyweight Workout

This workout is short and focused, with bodyweight exercises that target either the abs, the legs, or both.

Directions: Warm up with five minutes of light cardio, then perform this five-exercise circuit three times. Cool down with three minutes of stretching.

Source: Pop Sugar

Burn 200 Calories in 20 Minutes With This Quick Workout

If your schedule is feeling tight, don’t skip your workout. We have made a quick calorie-burning workout just for you. In only 20 minutes, you can burn up to 200 calories. So grab a set of five-pound dumbbells if you have them, press play, and work it.

Source: Pop Sugar

Skip the Ibuprofen and Do These Yoga Poses For Menstrual Cramp Relief

Got cramps? You’re not alone. Many women suffer from severe menstrual pain (known as dysmenorrhea) with sharp, throbbing, burning, or nauseating cramps in their lower abdomen and back. The cramps may come right before you get your period or during, but thankfully they go away when your period is over. These crippling, can’t-get-through-your-normal-day kind of…